Pandemic Walking
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Early in the pandemic,
i walked an alpaca.
This was suggested by a friend.
And a koala!

(by request)
And on a Sunday during lockdown i walked an Easter bunny
These were intentional
These were accidental.
Homer Simpson eating a donut
a baby seal
A seahorse
a computer punchcard
a ghost coming out of a water pipe
an outboard motor or a truck transmission ?
this seems like it's something
After a few random walks and a few GPS drawing walks i noticed that i had covered a lot of the area so started trying to walk unwalked areas. Most of these streets i had walked or biked in the decades of living here but i enjoyed discovering new places. In less than a year i walked every block (and trail and stairway) of every street of all seven neighborhoods of Capitol Hill as well as downtown.

Total walked - pandemic

Apr 20 2020 through Apr 13 2021
All Walks

Each walk from March 2020 through December 2020 in order.


Area covered from March 2020 through December 2020 in order.